General Description
Liposculpture along with liposuction is in the category of surgical techniques for body contouring. It is an intervention that allows to modify some areas of the body through the elimination and repositioning of fat cells. Unlike liposuction, where fat is sucked out and removed exclusively to give the body a slimmer silhouette, liposculpture allows for a real reshaping of the body's profile through filler actions that give harmony to the entire figure.
What is liposculpture?
El término lipoescultura se utiliza para indicar la cirugía estética destinada a remodelar la silueta mediante el uso de exceso de grasa. La lipoescultura es un procedimiento que involucra la utilización de la liposucción para quitar grasa de las zonas localizadas pero en ningún caso son procedimientos iguales. La grasa extraída una vez tratada puede utilizarse para rellenar y dar forma a diversas áreas del cuerpo y la cara, como las caderas de los glúteos, pero también el área pectoral y abdominal. La grasa tratada se inyecta en las regiones a esculpir a través de la inserción de cánulas que permiten una posición extremadamente precisa. En los últimos años, la disponibilidad de microcánulas innovadoras de 0,8 o 0,9 mm de diámetro ha permitido intervenir fácilmente incluso en áreas pequeñas de la cara, como el área del párpado y el área orbital, para corregir y rellenar arrugas de expresión en la cara o incluso en el área de la nariz y pómulos para modificar su perfil. La cirugía se realiza a menudo para completar un procedimiento de liposucción, o después de una pérdida de peso importante, después de lo cual es necesario redefinir los volúmenes y la proporción del cuerpo. No se trata de quitar grasa sino de cambiar a forma del cuerpo con un cambio de volumen de las zonas tratadas. Está especialmente indicada para aquellos que desean remodelar su cuerpo, a través de una redefinición y redistribución de volúmenes.
How is liposculpture done?
The success of this technique is largely due to the possibility of using organic material taken from the patient's body, which allows the transplanted fat cells to adapt to the tissue where they were injected, diversifying through the action of specific growth factors. At the start of the operation, the surgeon injects a dose of Klain's solution into the affected areas. This mixture contains anesthesia, epinephrine, a drug with vasoconstrictor action that reduces blood loss, and saline solution that favors the dissolution of fats. At this point, it is necessary to wait 10 to 15 minutes for anesthesia to be applied and immediately after the suction phase begins, cuts are made where 3 to 4 mm diameter cannulas connected to a pump or syringe are inserted. The surgeon extracts the fat evenly, which reduces the risk of deformity and uneven residue. This technique has the great benefit of allowing the surgeon excellent control of the remodeling, which allows him to predict the final result during the aspiration phase. At this point, the fat is treated using centrifuges at 3,000 rpm, which allow the useful fat to be separated from the oily components and the whey. The fat cells treated in this way are re-injected into the areas to be reshaped to increase their volume. The sutures made by the surgeon near the cannula insertion incisions are small and allow negligible scarring.
El postoperatorio de la lipoescultura
El paciente tendrá que utilizar durante un mes aproximadamente una faja o vendaje elástico sobre la zona tratada para ayudar a la piel a adaptarse a su nueva figura. En los días posteriores a la operación, el paciente puede experimentar malestar y dolor en el área tratada, el médico puede prescribir medicamentos analgésicos para la comodidad del paciente. Recomendamos un período de descanso de 48 horas, mientras que el trabajo se puede reanudar en los próximos 4 o 5 días. En el postoperatorio no hablamos de dolor, sino solo de incomodidad. Porque acumulamos agua y los primeros días son un poco incómodos, aunque depende del umbral de dolor de cada persona.
Liposculpture results
The results can be seen already in the first weeks, once the inflammation and edema near the wounds are reduced. Patients who undergo this type of treatment are often very satisfied, as the remodeling of the skin in the treated areas appears more toned and the imperfections of cellulite and the orange peel effect on the buttocks and shoulders disappear. thighs. The scars are almost invisible or, no matter how small, it is recommended to constantly follow medical check-ups to ensure the absence of complications. The results obtained are definitive, but require some maintenance precautions: it is advisable to associate a balanced diet with constant physical activity to avoid the formation of new adipose tissue.
Frequently asked questions
- Is it necessary to have a diet before a liposculpture? The surgery remodels the shapes with a specific action on the fat that cannot be eliminated with diet and sports activities. For good results, the subject must be of normal weight.
- Are there age limits to undergo liposuction surgery? No, there are no real age limits, naturally younger fabrics tend to be more stretchy and give better results. However, each case must be evaluated individually.
- What is cryoculture? It is a liposculpture technique that uses cold to break down fat cells.
- Is it normal to notice a weight gain after liposculpture? The increase is due to the edema present in the first days after the operation. The final results can only be considered after a month of the intervention.
- How much fat is possible to suck with a liposculpture? The indications of the international medical companies recommend not to exceed 5% of the total volume of body fat.
- How much fat is possible to suck with a liposculpture? The indications of the international medical companies recommend not to exceed 5% of the total volume of body fat.
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